Write For Us @Fuddugyan

Guest Posting Guidelines

We accept original content, very well-researched and high-quality content. Once you submit your content for publishing to fuddugyan, our editors will review it to ensure that it is in line with our publishing policy. Main Point to consider when writing includes:

Original content: Your content must be original and free of plagiarism. We do not publish duplicate content that has been published on other websites.

Grammar: Check your content for grammatical errors & spelling mistakes before submitting it.

Word count: We publish posts ranging from 1000 words to 5,000 words.

Photos: Attach a high-resolution image that should be posted along with your article. We prefer photos in JPEG & PNG format max size is 100kb per image.

Tone: Article tone may range from casual to professional tone. Whichever tone you choose for your post, ensure that it remains consistent throughout the post. An informal tone is preferable for blog-like articles while a formal tone for tutorials and trending posts.

Document format: We accept guest posts in the format of Microsoft word document, Google documents & direct post your article on the website.

Title, headlines, and subheading: Include a catchy heading for your post. Breakdown the article into smaller sections with headlines, subheadings & images.

Ensure that your article is in line with our guest post guidelines provided above. Carefully proofread the article and send a final draft along with images to us. When sending the final draft include the short author’s bio.

Send your post idea’s or sample blog post to lovelight@fuddugyan.com