Explore the Best Top 10 Domain Age Checker Websites

Explore the Best Top 10 Domain Age Checker Websites


In the digital realm, the age of a domain can significantly impact its credibility, authority, and search engine ranking. Understanding the age of a website can provide valuable insights into its history, trustworthiness, and potential for organic visibility. Fortunately, there are several domain age checker websites available that allow users to easily determine the age of any domain. In this article, we will explore the top 10 domain age checker websites, highlighting their features, usability, and why they stand out in helping users assess the age of a website.

1. Whois.net


Whois.net offers a comprehensive domain lookup tool that provides detailed information about domain registration, including the creation date. Users can simply enter the domain name and access data such as registration date, expiration date, and domain owner information.

Key Features:

Detailed Domain Registration Information

Creation Date and Expiration Date Display

Domain Owner Details

Why It Stands Out:

Whois.net stands out for its simplicity and reliability in providing accurate domain registration information, including the creation date.

2. DomainTools


DomainTools is a leading platform for domain research and analysis, offering a range of tools for investigating domain ownership, history, and reputation. Their domain age checker tool provides users with the creation date of a domain, along with additional details such as registration history and DNS records.

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Key Features:

Domain Registration History

DNS Records Lookup

WHOIS Information

Why It Stands Out:

DomainTools is renowned for its extensive database and advanced domain research capabilities, making it a trusted choice for professionals in the industry.

3. WHOIS Lookup by ICANN


The WHOIS Lookup tool provided by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) allows users to search for domain registration information, including the creation date. Users can access details such as registrar information, registration date, and domain status.

Key Features:

Registrar and Registrant Information

Domain Status and Expiry Date

Creation Date Display

Why It Stands Out:

ICANN’s WHOIS Lookup tool is recognized for its authority and accuracy in providing domain registration data, including the creation date, directly from the organization responsible for managing domain names.

4. SEMRush


SEMRush is a comprehensive digital marketing platform that offers various tools for SEO, keyword research, and competitive analysis. Their domain overview tool includes domain age information, allowing users to assess the age of a website as part of their SEO analysis.

Key Features:

Domain Age Display

SEO Metrics and Analysis

Competitor Research

Why It Stands Out:

SEMRush is widely used by digital marketers and SEO professionals for its robust feature set and in-depth insights into website performance, including domain age.

5. Moz


Moz is a trusted name in the SEO industry, known for its suite of tools for keyword research, link building, and site audits. Their domain analysis tool provides domain age information, along with other SEO metrics such as domain authority and backlink profile.

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Key Features:

Domain Age Checker

SEO Metrics and Insights

Backlink Analysis

Why It Stands Out:

Moz is favored by SEO practitioners for its reliable data and actionable insights, making it a valuable resource for assessing the age and authority of a website.

6. Domain Age Checker by Small SEO Tools


Small SEO Tools offers a free domain age checker tool that provides users with the creation date of a domain. Users can simply enter the domain name, and the tool displays the age of the domain along with other relevant information.

Key Features:

Free Domain Age Checker Tool

Creation Date Display

Additional SEO Tools Available

Why It Stands Out:

Small SEO Tools is known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of free SEO tools, making it accessible to website owners and digital marketers alike.

7. SiteChecker.pro


SiteChecker.pro offers a suite of SEO tools for website analysis, including a domain age checker. Users can enter the domain name, and the tool provides information about the age of the domain, registration history, and expiration date.

Key Features:

Domain Age Checker

Registration History Display

SEO Analysis Tools

Why It Stands Out:

SiteChecker.pro stands out for its comprehensive SEO toolkit and intuitive interface, making it a valuable resource for website owners looking to assess the age and authority of their domains.

8. Checkdomain.net


Checkdomain.net provides a domain age checker tool that allows users to quickly determine the age of a domain. Users can enter the domain name, and the tool displays the creation date, along with other domain registration details.

Key Features:

Domain Age Checker Tool

Creation Date Display

WHOIS Lookup Functionality

Why It Stands Out:

Checkdomain.net offers a straightforward domain age checker tool that provides users with accurate and up-to-date information about the age of a domain.

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9. Domain Age Checker by SEO Review Tools


SEO Review Tools offers a domain age checker tool as part of its suite of SEO analysis tools. Users can enter the domain name, and the tool retrieves information about the age of the domain, registration history, and expiration date.

Key Features:

Domain Age Checker Tool

Registration History Display

WHOIS Lookup Functionality

Why It Stands Out:

SEO Review Tools is respected for its comprehensive set of SEO analysis tools, including the domain age checker, which provides users with valuable insights into the history and credibility of a domain.

10. Ahrefs


Ahrefs is a popular SEO toolset that offers various features for keyword research, backlink analysis, and site auditing. Their domain authority checker tool provides users with information about the age of a domain, along with other SEO metrics such as domain rating and backlink profile.

Key Features:

Domain Age Checker

Domain Authority Metrics

Backlink Analysis

Why It Stands Out:

Ahrefs is highly regarded for its extensive database and accurate SEO metrics, making it a preferred choice for website owners and SEO professionals seeking to assess the age and authority of a domain.


Determining the age of a domain is essential for understanding its history, credibility, and potential impact on search engine ranking. The top 10 domain age checker websites highlighted in this article offer valuable tools and resources for users to easily assess the age of any domain. Whether it’s WHOIS lookup tools, comprehensive SEO platforms, or specialized domain analysis tools, these websites provide accurate and reliable information to help users make informed decisions about website credibility and SEO strategy.


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